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Instafixx is an endeavour to bring affordable and reliable iPhone Repair in Kolkata.

Repair Services

iPhone Batteries are a major issue with every iPhone user. After 1 year of usage, the iPhone Battery starts to give poor performance and slows your phone down because the battery becomes old. You can check the health of your battery under the Settings on your iPhone.

Understanding iPhone Battery Health:

iPhone Batteries are a major issue with every iPhone user. After 1 year of usage, the iPhone Battery starts to give poor performance and slows your phone down because the battery becomes old. You can check the health of your battery under the Settings on your iPhone.

Above 90 % – No Replacement Needed

 80-90% – Replace your battery if you are unhappy with the performance

Below 80% – Replace your Battery Immediately

Pricing and Time:

A Good Tip that will help you retain a good battery health for a long period of time : Do not put your iPhone on a whole night charge. Overcharging degrades the battery very significantly resulting in battery performance reduction.

Tips and Tricks::

Get your Battery changed within 60 Minutes at Instafixx at attractive prices.
Our Reviews speak for us. Go check them out Here
Just give us your details and we will have our team get in touch with you in no time. We also do battery replacements at your doorstep.

Only Genuine Parts Used

Maecenas id ante at enim feugiat auctor non a ipsum. Mauris ac porta ligula. Nam rhoncus sem a massa sodales pulvinar quis quis turpis. Donec sit amet congue mauris.

12 Months Peace of Mind Warranty

Duis felis nunc, finibus eget ipsum eu, placerat pharetra tellus. Donec nec feugiat lectus. Maecenas cursus suscipit ex vel rutrum. Nam id egestas nulla. Nam leo nisi, finibus nec nisl et, euismod ornare eros.

 Duis felis nunc, finibus eget ipsum eu, placerat pharetra tellus. Donec nec feugiat lectus. Maecenas cursus suscipit ex vel rutrum. Nam id egestas nulla. Nam leo nisi, finibus nec nisl et, euismod ornare eros. Nam rhoncus sem a massa sodales pulvinar quis quis turpis. Donec sit amet congue mauris.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast


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